About Abe
Abe Wald has been practicing body-oriented therapy in both Boulder Colorado, and New York City since 1991. His various trainings and experiences include IBP (Integrative Body Psychotherapy), the Hakomi Method, Bioenergetics, Gestalt, Neo-reichian, and Primal methods.
Abe has been practicing Hatha yoga since 1973 and taught yoga in NY from 1979 to 1986. Over the last six years, he has been practicing mindfulness meditation at NY Insight, which has had a strong influence on him as well.
He also brings 40 years of experience in the theater arts, movement, performance, acting and directing to his work. Abe’s special abilities help bring his body/mind approach to the work of creative artists and performing artists of all types, helping to open the creative channels both in the personal and artistic realms, which are profoundly related.
Abe has been currently working on an ambitious four-part solo performance theater work called “Count On It,” which is a personal and political journey of our time. He looks forward to bringing the current work to the larger public.
He has also been developing a performance training workshop called “Serious/Play”, which utilizes movement, sound and talking improvisation as a creative, transformative and healing tool.
He hopes that the combination of these three areas, the therapeutic, the teaching of performance, and performance, will contribute to a better world, and further his quest to lift the human spirit in all its dimensionality in the face of darkening times.
Abe Wald (212) - 982 - 1345
For more information please call and leave your name and number